Zoning Department
Lee County Courthouse
Room 206
P.O. Box 912
Jonesville, VA 24263
Office hours:
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday
Phone (276) 346-7766
The Planning Commission is currently reviewing the Zoning Map for potential revisions. Land use patterns change over time and certain areas of the county may not be properly zoned today. The Commission will be very transparent and keep the public informed as the process evolves. The Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month. Please contact Community Development Secretary Cathy Wilder if you have any questions about this review process.
When do you need a Zoning Permit?
A zoning permit is required for any new construction, addition, or major renovation within the County, including but not limited to:
Manufactured Home
Construction of any Residential, Commercial, or Public Buildings
Additions to existing buildings
Alterations of structural components
Installation, Removal or Closure of Underground Storage Tank, and Above Ground Storage Tank
Manufactured Home Procedures:
If you plan to move a new or used manufactured home to your lot and the lot currently has no other dwellings, you must follow these steps:
Obtain a septic approval from the Lee County Health Department
Determine what your current property is zoned (please call our office for assistance)
If the property is zoned A-1 or R-2, you may visit the office to obtain a Zoning Permit. Bring the invoice or description of the manufactured home and a copy of your deed with you. (If this applies to you, skip to Step 6.)
If the property has any other zoning, you will need to apply for a Variance and appear before the Board of Zoning Appeals.
If the Board of Zoning Appeals approves your Variance request, you may visit the office to obtain a Zoning Permit. Bring the invoice or description of the manufactured home and a copy of your deed with you.
Obtain a Building Permit from the Building Inspector. This may be accomplished simultaneously with the Zoning Permit.
The Building Inspector will need to visit your property to conduct inspections at various stages of the construction. Contact the Building Inspector for more information.
Once the inspections have been completed, the Building Inspector will issue you a Certificate of Occupancy.
Once you have received the Certificate of Occupancy, you are free to move in and enjoy your new home.
If you are still unsure if you need a zoning permit, please
contact the office.
Copies of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan are available in this office; there will be a charge of $25.00 due to the size of the documents.
Applications may be filled out on your computer, however, you must bring a printed copy to this office in order to file for a permit.
Zoning Permit Requirements
Copy of Recorded Deed
Zoning Permit Fee $20.00
Rezoning Requirements
Variance Requirements
Copy of Recorded Deed
List of Adjacent Property Owners
Variance Fee: Residential $100.00 Commercial $ 150.00
Special Use Permit Requirements
Copy of Recorded Deed
Rezoning Fee $ $150.00
Copy of Recorded Deed
Copy of VDOT Commercial Entrance Approval
Special Use Permit Fee: Residential $100.00 Commercial $ 150.00
Rezoning Requirements
Copy of Recorded Deed
Plat of property and Sketch of property
Zoning Text Amendment $150.00
Zoning Permit - $20.00
Special Use Permit - Residential $100.00/Commercial $150.00
Rezoning Request - $150.00
Zoning Text Amendment - $150.00
Variance Request - Residential $100.00/Commercial $150.00
Zoning Manual - $25.00